Hey y'all, Hope this finds you well! There’s a few things we’ve been working on over the summer I’m excited to start sharing with you.
The 1st is, we’ve created this space for those who are interested in a more intergraded and personal experience with my project. It’s a place to stay connected with myself and with each other. You’ll have access to exclusive content, first to see some of the art, as well as other unique, exclusive experiences.
We just added a new live session we filmed and recorded this summer, directed by Julia Hendrickson (@juliajuliajulia_) in the “media” section. I’ll continue to add unreleased videos and unheard demos/live tracks in this one :)
Lastly, we’ve made up 50 cassette tapes with newly recorded old tracks, which we’ll be sending out at random to 50 people. Download the app within 30 days for a chance to get one.
Suggested first steps are to create a profile, select the albums you have and the concerts you’ve attended.
I’ll be adding and updating regularly on it. Look forward to connecting with some of you there :)
Please note that this is a first beta launch, and we will be constantly working on stability and user experience improvements. Though most issues are reported automatically, if you experience any issues please let us know at justinnozukahq@gmail.com.
Sending nothing but love and hoping you’re well!
- Justin