Arigatou. Thank you, thank you, thank you đź’›

been a week today since we put out NBY and I just wanted to say with a full heart, ARIGATOU!! Thank you, thank you, Thank YOu for taking the time to listen and for sharing your kindness. We’ve been hard. at. work, honestly just trying to get records (and visuals) that fulfill and nourish. This one checked all those boxes for me. And I know you know, but I couldn’t have done it without a team of people. Alexander Vincent, Braden at Marquee Sound, Jason Murray, Mahalia, all the unbelievable musicians and technicians. And on visuals: Julia Hendrickson, Ross Lai, Bobby Shore, Catherine Lutes and the huge team of talent. Deeply grateful. 

This new music is a glimpse of where I’m heading. I’ve been cultivating unconsciously all these years and I think a nice little stew is at brew here. The foundations of the stock are rooted in Rhythm and Blues, 70’s inspired sensibilities and tones, and that classic, CLassic, good, love. As a young boy, there was really nothing more I needed than my CD player and an array of r&b albums or mix’s to sing along to. The melodic, emotional and intuitive power of r&b brought me to my knees. The synonym should really be “r n bb” (Rooted in Black Brilliance), cause that’s really what it is! Wouldn’t be who I am if it weren’t for powerful Black voices. I just want to bow down in appreciation. Feels like home to be making and singing proper r&b music, and I don’t want to hold back.

Anyways, I’m grateful to you and hoping that you are doing well during this time. 

lots and lots of love, 

